Learning Adjustments & Support
Support programs and structures to assist students in their learning include:
Benchmark Assessment System – Levelled Literacy Intervention Reading Program (BAS LLI)
BAS LLI is a small group targeted Reading intervention program conducted by trained BAS LLI Education Support Officers. BAS LLI is designed to provide regular instruction for students in the early years of schooling. BAS LLI provides intensive support to assist students achieve expected level competency in reading fluency, accuracy, comprehension, writing and spelling. BAS LLI provides a targeted framework to track and monitor student progress, targeted intervention and achievement.
Toe by Toe
Toe by Toe is a targeted program designed for students who find reading difficult including students who struggle to decode words when reading or those students with dyslexic difficulties. Toe by Toe is conducted in short focused 1-1 sessions with a Toe by Toe coach at regular intervals throughout the week.
Getting Reading In Numeracy (GRIN)
GRIN sessions are conducted by trained GRIN tutors and are designed to prepare students for their subsequent mathematics lessons. The aim of GRIN is to familiarise students with relevant language and terminology that they will hear during their focused lesson and model what students can expect to see and do during the lesson. GRIN provides small group support to target improved numeracy learning, increase students’ mathematics confidence and consolidate mathematical concepts and understandings.
Lego Club
Lego Club is a targeted program to support students in their social emotional development. It provides an opportunity for students to practice their listening skills and social skills such as turn taking, collaboration, conflict resolution and verbal and non-verbal communication.